This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-05-10

  • .@hardlynormal keep kicking ass! <3 would love to connect when you're in NYC 😀 in reply to hardlynormal #
  • THIS RT @dawnnicole Most people try to launch a platform then build a community around it. It's backwards. @ShaunKing #Ideation12 #
  • BOO :/ RT @corvida Very surprised to learn that Verizon has zero interest in supporting tech AND DESIGN (ART) when both go hand in hand. #
  • Trust me. If your company (in every industry) doesn't give a shit right now what Latinos/Hispanics like/want, they will by end of this year. #
  • .@laurenthedark Did you see this? #
  • I'm loving the weather while working in LA but looking forward to going back to NYC for open air shows. Can't wait for @celebratebrooklyn! #
  • There were journos on this chat 😉 “@george_badina: @muckrack The next chat should bring journos and PR pros together as well. #muckedup € #
  • .@greg @muckrack happy to contribute! #muckedup #
  • #muckedup If u call a Journo & get sent to vmail, keep it brief w follow up #. Often Journos read – not listen – via tools like Google Voice #
  • #muckedup Use social to track which Journos cover your clients already in roundups & send (brief) custom email intros to new contacts. #
  • #muckedup Phone pitches only work if you already have a relationship with the Journo + u know what they like to cover. Email of not the case #
  • #muckedup Beat + how Journo already uses social is going to determine how open a journalist is to pitches via social. #
  • #muckedup Many tech journos rely on PR folks 4 access 2 products. Cultivate relationships by respecting communication styles no cookiecutter #
  • #muckedup Make sure your agency is on FB so journos have option to Like page & that you don't just post releases. Make it worth it to Like #
  • #muckedup Don't tweet spam journalist you're trying to reach. That's just annoying. Know their beat; make sure it fits. And email first. #
  • #muckedup Journos use a combo of sources, scanning social feeds. Not everyone does breaking news so Twitter pitches work for some ppl. #
  • #muckedup As much as folks protest pitching via social media, many journos find story ideas via Twitter. So I keep an open mind re @ replies #
  • #muckedup I dislike pitches via Twitter DM. I no longer allow DMs from people I don't follow. @ replies w/link + brief intro are fine. #
  • I try to research at least 3 new things per day. I mull over the new info in my head all day, analyzing how it fits/could fit in my life. #
  • +1 RT @anildash Thank a teacher during this Teacher Appreciation Week by going to – Use my code PURPLE, double donation #
  • <3 “@levarburton: As a matter of fact YES! RT @nicholaslemon @levarburton Will Reading Rainbow episodes be out on ITunes any time soon?” #
  • Boss! RT @richkearney I now have 'cut all tourists in line' privileges at Cafe Europa. Midtown has never felt like such a neighborhood. 🙂 #
  • ! “@TedHope: What filmmakers have used: ?
    Four wall in NYC & get on all digiplatforms, keep 100% of revenue
    Good idea” #

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