@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-08-20
- this. right here. is bullshit. “@kthalps: GOP Senate Candidate: Victims Of 'Legitimate Rape' Won't Become Pregnant http://t.co/6eYcoJrF†#
- LOVE http://t.co/VuFjgPuc #
- -> “@benjaminjackson: Insanely smart robots will take more and more manufacturing jobs over the next few years: http://t.co/bscsdsnQ†#
- +1 “@saclib_Central: Sacbee – Sacramento's a leader in offering digital titles & training patrons http://t.co/1g2cqjzR We made the news!†#
- Imagine this: LL Cool J's "I need Love" is playing. Your partner is sweeping your apartment. Perfection. #justtookyouthere #myworld2.0 #
- Someone starts sweeping my kitchen = I put on Teddy Pendergrass #goldengirlsflow #housekeepingishot #
- "so you wanna see this twerk/then do your share of the housework" – #cohabitatingrealnessraps #
- "got an aversion to chores/do you/and never get inside these drawers/boo hoo" – #whatwomenreallywant #fromanygender #
- "If you afraid to lift a mop/you will never see these panties drop" – rap lyrics that need to be performed #yougonlearntoday #
- My <3 is cleaning the bathroom sink now. Yaaaas baby *Barry White voice* #nowplaying I've Been Thinking – Handsome Boy Modeling School #
- Me? Donate to @MittRomney? This tree just died in vain. #neverrrr http://t.co/BxkeCXw0 #
- +100
“@savasavasava: @dcap washing dishes at sink? hubba hubba.†#
- !!! RIGHT? I don't need flowers. I just want you to pick up a mop #swoon “@savasavasava: @dcap I feel you, sister.†#
- I've apparently reached that age where it is honestly a literal turn on when my partners help clean the apt. Wow, I'm grown. #life #
- Not gonna front: It is REALLY sexy when yr partner, unprompted, goes "I'm cleaning the entire bathroom this weekend" #mybodyisready #
- lmao “@EveryGentrifier: Can anyone recommend a good math skills iPhone app for my fetus?†#
- ha! nice @Jewyorican! “@miklevin: Shit Gentrifiers Say is Our Favorite Twitter of the Week http://t.co/OwXErAXW via @remezcla†#