This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-08-26

  • Waiting for the dryer to become self aware & bring me my clean clothes. Bcuz that is what a sentient dryer would do, right? #
  • I had all these plans for today. Instead all I’m doing is laundry before Bmore & Cali trip. Oh yes, & browsing my timeline. Hai. #
  • omg jealous! “@robfields: Good to see @res. She'll be at @dromnyc for a 3month residency this fall. [pic] —” #
  • lol aw! 🙂 “@robfields: Erykah is now 30 minutes late. A few shots and I'm out. This is some bullshit.” #
  • 2/2 w @poczineproject, we’re creating culture w/out corporate $. it’s a slower process but more authentic. our 12 city tour=going 2 B epic. #
  • …Being part of a DIY community that doesn’t rely on corporate sponsors=very empowering. I hope more young ppl create their own culture 1/2 #
  • I’m still friends w many people I met through @afropunk even though most of them no longer visit the site or go to the fest. Scenes change. #
  • 2/2 If yr a POC, you don’t have to identify as “punk” or rock a “punk” aesthetic to get something out of @afropunk. #
  • I first covered @afropunk in 2008. For many, the fest & online community is still a great resource. Others in the scene have moved on. 1/2 #
  • 15k journalists covering RNC = 15k chances for someone to actually tell the truth about what happens BTS. Good luck! No bad reporting! #
  • word “@heavenrants: “I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.” – Edgar Allan Poe” #
  • Good luck! “@iamwhitneygayle: Embarking on a new beginning #startingover #hopeful #loverespectappreciation € #
  • hehehe RT @dmobley “@BadJokeCat: Past, Present and Future walked into a bar. It was tense.” #
  • Just had my asymmetrical 'do cleaned up @ a barbershop for GUYS in the Bronx. Bro did my hair AND brows really well. #guysdobrowstoo #props #
  • oh my bad shawty *adds you back* 😉 RT @WHATYOUWRITE @dcap that was mean to get rid of me! in reply to WHATYOUWRITE #
  • TY for sharing great links + insights! RT @sharnajackson @dcap Thanks for adding me to your lists – I feel well special! #
  • It's great to look at my Twitter timeline and actually be excited again about all the relevant news & tweets. Cleanup PT 1 = #success #
  • Check out my latest @twitter list: #WomenInVideogames – 23 people so far, will add more over time. @ me suggestions! #
  • OK, very nice! Got my following count under 2k! More cleanup next week. If u see that I'm no longer following u & this bothers u, @ me k xo #
  • I'm going to stop when I reach 2,000 folks I'm following. Over time I'm going to get it to a "clean" 500 & focus more on lists. About time. #
  • OK. Taking my own advice. Massive @dcap Twitter cleanup of 2012 starts now, then off 2 doing IRL chores. I just can't take the noise anymore #
  • Clean your feed? One way to help. "@GailSimone Twitter is very toxic the last couple days. Not enjoying it. It just makes me feel bad." #
  • +1 RT @adriarichards @beLaurie The co. I work 4 is helping 2 sponsor @girldevelopit events in SF. This is the 2nd one we're supporting. #
  • lmao! ^_^ “@hotdoghandjobs: Today I woke up in an erectile dysfunction commercial. #StJohn” #
  • #grifterproblems “@hotdoghandjobs: I would rather sell my body to the Mexican drug cartel than fly on another @americanair plane.” #
  • The Internet would have been a very different, less empowering experience if my parents had already impersonated me online since birth. #
  • Glad I wasn’t born in era of social web. I found my voice online my own way – parents didn’t create my identity, ghost tweet fetus thoughts #
  • Something I will never do: create social accounts for my children. Their online presence will be on their terms. #
  • Going 2 Baltimore tomorrow & then SF for two weeks on Monday (work). Blessed to travel. But today I’m chillin’ so hard. Popsicles & comics. #

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