@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-07-13
- @thatsjodi just dropped by for my #TEDGlobal livestream session. through her, I now know about a playwright group in midtown. #fb #
- I'm in love with #TEDGlobal In my fantasies I have like 10 peeps who would love to watch the livestream with me this week & discuss it #
- I'm watching the #TEDGlobal livestream archive of today's sessions, yer welcome to come join me. DM me for deets, happening til midnight #
- TEDGlobal2011 livestream time in 20 min! http://instagr.am/p/Hh6zN/ #
- #nowplaying The Roots – I Remain Calm http://t.co/lGIaqAL #
- #nowplaying Barry White – You're The First, The Last, My Everything http://t.co/3Lkl9Ot [pretending all calls/folks sound like barry white] #
- #nowplaying Barry White – Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Baby http://t.co/uFa86hE *deep voice* yeaaah #
- #nowplaying Irene Cara – Flashdance… What A Feeling http://t.co/B1Tw4Vy #
- If you haven't watched #Vanguard on @Current, you are missing out on the BEST doc series on TV. New episode airs 7/12 current.com/vanguard #
- following #TEDGlobal today & psyched about my livestream party tonight. thanks 4 hooking up the feed @corvida! bring me back euro chocolate! #
- @filmfuturist "Dump your e-junk" sounds like an awesome Baltimore-style party track ;P in reply to filmfuturist #
- Nice! Pls to get me Maus?
RT @Hnics85 Setting up for a shoot @MidtownComics and Nerding The F*ck Out! I'm about to spend $100 in here #
- woah! 0_0 reminds me of Cali gangsters organizing via twitter RT @mexicoreporter Mexican drug cartels using social media bit.ly/q21mCq #
- #nowplaying Billie Holiday – They Can't Take That Away From Me http://t.co/igonfNU #
- #nowplaying Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong – Summertime http://t.co/aI26F4n [thinking of row boat, luxuriating, mojito, watching sunset] #