@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-08-11
- My previous tweet was a little harsh. But I bet I'm not the only 1 who feels this way, particularly if their angst is work-related. #mineis #
- I want to punch Facebook in the face right now. #
- @ModCloth the only way you could be more awesome is if you offered me a discount code for the ad error find
- no problemo RT @ModCloth @dcap TY for bringing this to our attention! I passed it along to R ad people the minute I got into the office.
- @modcloth responded on facebook to my alert: http://t.co/HVzXLg4 perfect example of how brand loyalty can benefit you in unforeseen ways. #
- @modcloth um guys, you have a total ad placement #fail situation on monstersandcritics.com/. may want to address asap http://t.co/39CFvNE #
- the precious? RT @corvida Today I go over to the dark side and make my iMac my official work horse. #
- Please cont. to cc me on all future fat kid tweets re: bacon “@corvida: Too true! RT @Caterina The BLT is the king of sandwiches. cc @dcap†#