This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

@dcap Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-22

  • I hope other coaches learn from Joe Paterno's experience: We're not promised tomorrow. Do the right thing when it counts. #
  • .@shananaomi are you here??? ๐Ÿ™‚ if so, welcome back! in reply to shananaomi #
  • You can go see "Red Tails" and "Pariah," you don't have 2 choose between the 2. If $ is an issue, see one this month & the other next month. #
  • Newt is that kid who kicks over yr sand castle, blames it on kid helping you fix it & then offers 2 do a better jobโ€“4 a price #SCprimaries #
  • Newt calls Obama the food stamp POTUS while conveniently forgetting the recession him & his cronies created 4 Obama 2 deal with #SCprimaries #
  • People are so easily manipulated. It's sad. #SCprimaries #
  • "If you had 2 defend Obamacare, wouldn't you want to use a teleprompter?" Words frm a man completely outof touch w/American healthcare needs #
  • @VictorBalta I mean really. That's like saying he wants to run a presidential campaign. Like, no shit, Newt. #SCprimaries in reply to VictorBalta #
  • GOP elite make me want to vomit all over myself #SCprimaries #
  • Gingrich is ruining Journey for me right now #SCprimary I won't stop believing โ€ฆ that Gingrich would be the end of democracy. #
  • Nerds: You can find me lurking here sometimes on the programmers and wordpress answers sites #
  • Rising from the ashes? Tim Dickinson contemplates the potential for Gingrich to take South Carolina via @CountdownKO #
  • brrr (@ Snowpocalypse 2012 w/ 7 others) #
  • nope nope nope. zero desire to leave the apt today. butโ€ฆ #dutycalls #
  • Last year at this time I was at Sundance. This year I'm spending Sat supporting South Carolina primary coverage. #ciiiiiircleofliiiiiife #
  • DRAGONS. #arecool #
  • #nowplaying Al Green โ€“ Lets Stay Together cc @corvida ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3 #
  • that feeling when U think a book is missing from your library and don't remember who you lent it to, but then realize it's on another shelf #
  • Life is too short to put up with bullshit. #
  • Easy Activism: Invite a teen to shadow your co-worker #
  • I just funded The Arkh Project on #indiegogo Fund it too! #poc #gaming #gamers #
  • RT @ckanal: President Obama speaking now at Disney World: "I want America to be the top tourist destination in the world." #NowWithAlex #
  • #nowplaying Flesh For Lulu โ€“ Sleeping Dogs #
  • OMG guys, I love this song! cc @bxwebb, @laurenthedark, @corvida, @ainaabiodun @vicbeef #
  • #nowplaying Santigold โ€“ Big Mouth Listening 2 this, I see @papertigertv, @MissEbonyBones & @MIAuniverse dancing 2gether #
  • Just loved Cults โ€“ Go Outside on @hypem #
  • Just loved Phil Collins โ€“ In the Air Tonight (Cosmo Black Remix) on @hypem #
  • Just loved Moullinex feat. Peaches โ€“ Maniac (Original Mix) on @hypem #
  • #nowplaying @sleighbells โ€“ Comeback Kid on @hypem #
  • #nowplaying The Verve โ€“ Bitter Sweet Symphony #19yroldmeguiltypleasures #
  • that feeling of being really hopeful about something & being too young 2 know how friggin' hard it's going to be to do it โ€” it's back!!! <3 #
  • #nowplaying Wheatus โ€“ Teenage Dirtbag #19yroldmeguiltypleasures #
  • #FactsWithoutWikipedia Newt Gingrich is Gollum's fraternal twin. #
  • My biggest issue w @ChillLive: no app yet? Not interested in spending more than 5 min on the website, would explore more via mobile/tablet. #
  • I like the @ChillLive UI . Curious how, over time, it will B more than just another video aggregator w/social elements. Watching that space. #
  • Saw this, <3 it RT @milfinainteasy First Ryan Gosling. Now Rhi Rhi, proving yes, we feminists have celeb fantasies too #
  • Tell'em, @ainaabiodun! ๐Ÿ˜‰ in reply to ainaabiodun #
  • +1 RT @ainaabiodun If Obama threatening 2 veto #SOPA put him inbtwn donors from Hlywd & Silicon Valley, I'd say his call 2 pick SV was smart #
  • Maybe audiences weren't "ready" for black gayness in The Color Purple but its 2012 and Pariah is, in some ways, redemption for me. #
  • Although The Color Purple happened bcuz of Spielberg, Alice Walker had 2 deal w him cutting most of the queer overtones from her screenplay. #
  • I saw parallels between Pariah and Saving Face and it reminded me how important it is for POC to tell their own stories. #
  • Last night I watched "Saving Face," a rad movie about a Chinese-American lesbian and her hilariously complex family. #
  • Let's take a long walk around the park after dark. Find a spot for us to spark, conversation/verbal elation/stimulation #
  • Go to today and you will get a sweet surprise ๐Ÿ˜‰ #sopa #pipa #
  • Had a great meeting at @papertigertv HQ today. It was 19yr old @dcap's dream to visit their space. 19yr old/30yrold, we're freaking out now. #
  • #nowplaying Alabama Shakes- I Found You "I'm going to love you with all of my heart" #
  • Those two tweets below in my timeline are related. One is FB event link, other is link to PPTV's flyer. RT both along, pretty please. #
  • Yes, I am totally psyched about moderating at @papertigertv's 30th anniversary conference on 2/10. Come! Yaaas! Invite: #
  • I'm moderating @papertigertv's 30th anniv. "Be(ing) the Media: Designing a New Rrradical Media" opening event on 2/10!! #
  • So here's the thing about promoting your Etsy wares on Twitter: Spamming anyone who mentions Pinterest is not a good idea. No one likes that #
  • .@quirkyknitgirl i mean, who didn't curate an obsessively-focused LJ account? i mean besides people born after 1985? in reply to quirkyknitgirl #
  • OMG. LiveJournal #feelingold #reachingformysip RT @ShaunaReporter @dcap what's LJ? Lol #
  • I know there's an epic Star Wars-inspired dying SOPA and PIPA GIF happening somewhere but the question is #whereitatyo #
  • I giggle with delight when I think about journalism/communication majors taking curation 101-type courses. Us grannies learned that on LJ. #
  • LOL but ppl still needed 2 make that which is curated ๐Ÿ˜‰ RT @fimoculous "I <3 curation on yr Pinterest" =new "I <3 the writing on your blog" #
  • how I felt when my hairdresser revealed the same thing RT @omacadams I think it's some sort of milestone when the pilot is younger than you. #
  • Wow. RT @dennisjromero 'Occupy,' 'Occupy LA' Trademark Applications Filed by SoCal Entrepreneurs #
  • smh RT รขโ‚ฌล“@SusanArendt: Guy pitched me an article that would include, I shit you not interviews with 'two genuine female gamers.'รขโ‚ฌย #
  • Unless you're discussing MLK at your brunch, it's not a MLK brunch. You have a day off and you're eating, it's ok. #
  • <3 her RT @theurbandaily: Meryl Streep Shows Love 4 "PARIAH" In Acceptance Speech [VIDEO] #goldenglobes @NorthstarPics #
  • I'd rather watch someone kill off their Sims repeatedly while laughing in a scary voice than golden globes #thatwouldbeawful #watchingglobes #
  • If you're watching the golden globes with your child right now instead of doing anything else, you = #fail #

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