@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-06-28
- I had a great time at #womenlead had to run with @corvida but I enjoyed all the panelists 🙂 thank you #
- Great to finally hang w @jewyorican in person at #womenlead She's sitting by me after a year of strictly tweeting 🙂 Nice to meet IRL #
- .@wordwhacker Nice to hear you speak as opposed to my first time where you were BTS at the Columbia workshop 🙂 #womenlead in reply to wordwhacker #
- Hashtags are also like rabbit holes. Variations lead u 2 different locations ex: #wjchat = journos #jwchat = christians #womenlead #
- lol how would that work? Wd u say pound 1st? “@MissVersatile: Please don't use # whatever in verbal convo with me…I'm not 15 #Womenlead € #
- thanks chica “@laurenthedark: @dcap You should reach out to @elonkadunin. re: female video game developers.†#
- Ditto 🙂 “@LeeBogner: Nice 2meetU @DCap ! RT @LeeBogner: Gr8 2meetU @ #womenlead hackathon @jewyorican Daniela Capistrano + Cyndi !!†#
- hi! “@StephCockerl: @dcap @Jewyorican Small world, isn't it? 🙂 Watching both your tweets from #womenlead †#
- #womenlead (@ Ogilvy & Mather w/ 19 others) http://t.co/EATPoaDO #
- I am still looking to speak with female video game QA freelancers, developers and artists: dcapistrano@current.com please RT! TY 2/2 #
- TY again 2 @avantgame Jane McGonigal 4 supporting my efforts 2 complete a video game industry mini guide for women+students on @current 1/2 #
- re: last night's comment about trolls, funny thing re: trolls/haters/lames is that real bosses don't have time 2 troll. 2 busy being awesome #
- I'm looking forward to attending #womenlead 2day with @jewyorican, @corvida and my sister who's in town from Cali 😀 http://t.co/uT1bAcFV #
- I hope @portable is offering access for some low-income students + interns at the curators conference and just hasn't announced it yet. #
- Seems like a no-brainer 2 me: If u can afford 2 let press attend yr event, u should provide 5-10 free passes 4 low-income students + interns #
- .@portable Hi there, will you be offering any scholarships to low-income students + industry interns to attend the curators conference? #
- Endless Canvas zine #1 3, 4 #bayarea #graffiti http://t.co/DP1R5P4U #
- Not exactly blowing lid off of anything by pointing out public facts. Trolls give me 2 much credit +truth makes some ppl mad. Why u mad son? #
- Dear male and female assholes who email me to tell me to shut up: No. #
- but it's worth it, if you succeed “@AnTagOnUs: Feel like people in NY gotta work 2wice as hard to accomplish their goals.†#