This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

Tag : sustainable-south-bronx

Weekend Thankful

Thanks to generous friends, a “borrowed” shopping cart and Bushwick neighbors with an ipod, a very last minute memorial day BBQ was a success. Thank you.

Memorial Day

I also went to Mott Haven in the South Bronx to explore loft options and was greatly inspired. I am looking for an open space to live/work in and to house some collaborative projects.


loft, south bronx

Nearby is Sustainable South Bronx, founded by Majora Carter.

From 2001 to 2008, Mrs. Carter was Executive Director of the non-profit she founded: Sustainable South Bronx – where she pioneered green-collar job training and placement systems in one of the most environmentally and economically challenged parts of the US.

This MacArthur “genius” is now president of her own economic consulting firm, a co-host on Sundance Channel’s The Green, and host of a new special public radio series called, The Promised Land (

She gave an inspiring speech that I recently located on TED. In this video, she details her fight for environmental justice in the South Bronx — and shows how minority neighborhoods suffer most from flawed urban policy:

Whew! ^_^

I haven’t posted in a while so here’s a brief life update:

I recently received stitches for the first time, bought a beautiful bicycle and saw Terminator Salvation.

School‘s out til August, but I will be keeping myself busy with work, senator duties, volunteering with The LAMP and other exciting projects that I will share details on eventually …